Faculty Research Development Fund - Research and Travel Grants

The Faculty Research Development Funds come to the Faculty from The Office of the Vice-President Research. Funds also come from the President's Office and the SSHRC endowment fund.

Upon completion of the project (or after one year, whichever comes first) grant holders will be required to submit a short report on the activities and outcomes facilitated by these funds.



For all internal funding opportunities, applicants will need to provide an ORCID ID. To create your ORCID ID:

  1. Go to https://orcid.org
  2. Click on Sign In/Register, then click "Register Now". Use your uwo.ca email address as your primary email.
  3. Fill in the required fields for your personal profile. Allowing ORCID permission to auto-populate your works will save time setting up your profile.

If you require further support in setting up your ORCID ID, please contact Joanne Paterson at jpater22@uwo.ca or any of the Scholarly Communication librarians at RSCLib@uwo.ca for guidance.

General guidelines

  • factors that will be weighted positively include a primary appointment within the Faculty of Social Science and adherence to reporting requirements from previous competitions.
  • presentations and publications that arise as an outcome of this funding should acknowledge the Faculty of Social Science.

Research Grants – maximum value: $5,000 (awards of up to $10,000 with justification)

Travel Grants - maximum value $2,500 

Factors that will be weighted positively (not all factors need be present in any one application): 

  • a clear indication of the significance of the research
  • a clear statement of objectives, timeline and expected outcomes
  • expected impact on the field
  • support for HQP
  • new scholars
  • a plan to revitilize or change direction in your research program

Factors that will receive a negative weighting:

  • the applicant currently holds any internal funds OR holds external funds that relate to the research project being proposed
  • large number of previous internal grants
  • not filling the form out correctly or not complying with all instructions

Please submit a single copy of the application form signed by your Department Chair, to the Office of the Dean of Social Science by March 24th, 2025. Electronic applications (either PDF or MSWord) can be sent to socsci-researchofficers@uwo.ca

For other information see the FAQs, Research Finance, Travel on the Policies and Procedures and Researcher Toolbox on planning and hiring of roles for Western research teams..


Last Updated: March, 2025